Saturday 6 August 2016


Bail Organa navigates the dense Coruscant air traffic with determination, on his way to pick up friend Yoda, currently escaping from the dark forces controlling the Senate building, as events in EPISODE III reach a grim climax.

A blink and you miss it moment from the ROGUE ONE "Sizzle Reel"

It was great to see Jimmy Smits having a larger role in the final film of the Prequel saga as Bail, as was the effective use of the character within THE CLONE WARS animated series. Now comes the terrific news that Smits will be returning for a special and vital cameo in ROGUE ONE, linked to a sequence on Yavin IV and the Rebel leaders whom Bail has secretly worked with for nearly twenty years, and an appearance which STAR WARS AFICIONADO previously hinted at a year ago.

Jimmy Smits Confirms Cameo in 'Rogue One' | The Star Wars Underworld

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