Monday 13 February 2012


Within the densely layered observation deck of General Grievous's Separatist flagship, The Invisible Hand, Anakin Skywalker continues his intense battle against the Dark Side strength of the taunting and deadly Count Dooku. Outside the mighty vessel, the Republic forces of ships and fighters continue their bold efforts to stop their enemies leaving Coruscant with the captured Supreme Chancellor Palpatine.

Linked to the Jedi lightsaber fighting of the Prequels, don't forget that Stunt Coordinator Supreme Nick Gillard is doing a further masterclass on the iconic subject at COMBATCON in the US later in the year. Here are the details:

Nick (assisted by Kyle Rowling) will teach a lightsaber master class at Combat Con in Las Vegas July 6th, 2012. After the great success of this class last year you won’t want to miss this opportunity to learn lightsaber fighting from the man who created it for Star Wars I, II and III.  Learn more about Nick at http://thecombatcon.com/nick-gillard

In this master class Nick will teach a complicated run from Revenge Of The Sith which covers all of the Jedi moves while explaining the rules involved in Jedi fighting. He will also teach how to write it yourself. This World Premiere master class lets you learn it the same way Ewan McGregor and Hayden Christensen learned it!

This special master class will be a separate charge, but only participants registered for Combat Con will be able to attend. You can register for Combat Con at any level (General, Premium or VIP) to be eligible.  In fact, there is only 6 days left of the January only discount of 1/3 off, so register soon! - http://thecombatcon.com/register

The Jedi Fighting master class will be $150 above the cost of Combat Con registration. It will be two hours and there are three sessions to choose from (9-11am, 12-2pm or 3-5pm).  Special registration for it will open in Feb/March and currently registered CombatCon participants will have first chance to register.

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